Yes, it has been way too long since I have
been on my blog. What can I say but super,
super busy. So here is a little update. Last
month our computer hard drive crashed.
I lost everything.I guess it was my fault,
because I didn't back up anything in the
last three months. The only good thing
was I got a whole new hard drive and didn't
have to pay for it, and it is like having a new
computer.Okay, on to big and better things.
So, last month on memorial weekend we had
a little BBQ with some close friends at our
house. It was a lot of fun. Danny had a great
time, because he had guys over who like to
play horse shoes as much as him. I think
he is ready for another game Steve. LOL
The next day (Sunday)we had a beach
day planned with our neighbors Kerri &
Spencer and there to kids. And there friends
Calvin & Rachael, and there son Cason.
We left our house about 6am and didn't
get home until 830pm. We got to the
beach& the guys got our two spots on
the beach(one by the beach and one
by the firepit). And then road our
beach cruisers to get breakfast.
Then we hung out at the beach
all day until it was time to BBQ
at the fire pit. And then roasted marsh
mellows. and by then it was time to go
home. Here are just a few Picture.
Because I did take like 200 and some.LOL
PS. and yes we did pack everything but our kitchen sink! LOL

This is a little out of order, but oh well. Last month in
May 2009, my little sister Graduated from Kindergarden.
She attends Calvary Chapel. She will be going there next
year for first grade as well. It seems like just a few months
ago it was my little sister(Madison) sitting on my lap while i
was doing my makeup in front of the mirror, but no it is now
my daughter who does that. Time is flying bye like I said.
What happen to the days when we were in school and it
seemed like it took forever for the year to be over or even
the day? Well, Madison I am so proud of you! Love you
PS. Mom I for some reason dont have any pictures of you guys
from the graduation? Sorry :(
Me, My Grandmommy and Donnie

Madison and her friend chloe

Madison with Grandmommy and Granddaddy

Me, Donnie and Madison
Just a few days ago on June 3rd Presleigh turned
16mos. I just can't believe how big and how fast time
flys bye. Danny and I are enjoying every moment with
her. As each day she does something new or says
something new. I am going to post a few new Pictures of
At the duck pond

This was Presleigh getting in to Trouble
while I was trying to cook dinner.